Winnemucca Chapter 2024-2025

GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officers for 2024-2025

President:  Kris Alvarez, i-80 Gold Corp
Vice-President:  Bryan MacFarlane, Hecla Mining Co.
Secretary:  Eli Witte, i-80 Gold Corp
Treasurer:  Anthony Danciu, Hycroft Mining Corp.
Membership Chair:  JoAnn Newbury, NuLegacy Gold Corp. NV

Winnemucca Chapter Bylaws

Article I. GSN Winnemucca Chapter Membership Meetings

Section 1. Approximately nine GSN Winnemucca Chapter General Membership Meetings shall take place each year, the dates of these being on the second Wednesday of the month, unless some other day is more convenient or appropriate during a specific month. However, the scheduled meeting date may not conflict with the general meetings of the GSN, or those of the Elko or Southern Nevada Chapters. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter General Membership Meetings will normally be held from September through May. Additional GSN Winnemucca Chapter General Membership Meetings may be held as deemed appropriate or necessary by the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officers.

Section 2. GSN Winnemucca Chapter General Membership Meetings may consist of a talk and slide show, film, or other activities approved by the Executive Committee. Decisions concerning the time, place and content of the GSN Winnemucca Chapter General Membership Meetings shall be made by the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee.

Article II. Election Procedures

Section 1. Nominations for the next slate of Officers for the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee will be completed by the Winnemucca Chapter General Membership at the March Meeting of each year. The Winnemucca Chapter President shall then present the slate to the GSN Board of Directors for their review and approval.

Section 2. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee will have the slate of Officers for the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee published as an announcement in the April GSN Newsletter. The Announcement shall also indicate the election will be by secret written ballot at the April GSN Winnemucca Chapter General Membership Meeting.

Section 3. The Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee will distribute ballots to all Winnemucca Chapter Members at the April GSN Winnemucca Chapter General Membership Meeting. Members unable to attend the meeting will be provided a mail-in ballot or the option to vote electronically and send the ballot by e-mail.

Section 4. The aforementioned ballot shall: 1) identify the slate of Officers for the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee and provide for a “for” or “against” vote on that slate, or where multiple candidates are applying for the same position a list of those candidates will appear on the ballot; 2) provide for a place for the voter to place their name;

Section 5. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter President working with the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Secretary shall count the votes. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter

President shall announce the results of the vote at the April GSN Winnemucca Chapter General Membership Meeting and have the results of the vote published as an announcement in the May GSN Newsletter.

Article III. GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee

Section 1. Officers of the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The term for each office shall be one year. Each year shall run from June through May.

Section 2. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee shall meet as necessary as determined by the GSN Winnemucca Chapter President or as requested by any member of the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee, to review, plan and conduct the day-to-day business of the Winnemucca Chapter. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee shall create subcommittees, if required, that may be composed of any Member of the GSN, as needed to conduct specific functions of the GSN Winnemucca Chapter. All subcommittees shall have a chair that reports to the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee.

Section 3. Voting by GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officers shall be done by the person(s) in that officer position or another GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officer with that person’s written proxy to vote for them. In the event that a position on the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee is held by more than one person, that position still has only one vote. Should one or all of the people serving in a position, or their written proxy, not be present for the vote, then that position shall be considered absent for that vote.

Section 4. Duties of the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officers, which can be modified by vote of the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee:

  • President: The president shall be responsible for the following activities:
  • Directing chapter activities;
  • Chairing chapter meetings, including but not limited to:
  • Opening and closing meetings;
  • Introducing speakers; making announcements;
  • Chairing Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee meetings;
  • Coordinating Winnemucca Chapter activities with GSN and other chapters;
  • Attending and participating in GSN Board of Directors meetings and activities; and
  • Coordinating and arranging for speakers at each chapter meeting.
  • Coordinating and arranging for one or more annual field trips with the Chapter Vice President;
  • Vice-President: The vice-president shall be responsible for the following activities:
  • Chairing chapter meetings in the absence of the president;
  • Coordinating and arranging for one or more annual field trips with the Chapter President;
  • Insure that a guidebook is produced for the field trip(s); and
  • Securing sponsorship, financial or otherwise, to support the Winnemucca Chapter activities including monthly meetings, field trips, and special events.
  • Secretary: The secretary shall be responsible for the following activities:
  • Preparing and sending all meeting, field trip, and special announcements;
  • Maintaining chapter records;
  • Working in cooperation with the GSN Office Manager to maintain a complete and correct Winnemucca Chapter membership list;
  • Recording minutes of the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee meetings; and
  • Work in cooperation with the GSN Office Manager to tally the votes for the Winnemucca Chapter elections.
  • Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for the following activities:
  • Recording expenses and income;
  • Keeping financial matters in order and maintaining checking and savings accounts;
  • Responsible for collecting and distributing mail to the appropriate Winnemucca Chapter Officer and maintaining the P.O Box in good standing.
  • Payment of all Winnemucca chapter bills;
  • Sending invoices, accompanied by ‘thank you’ letters to all Winnemucca chapter sponsors;
  • Assist the Winnemucca Chapter President with preparation of an annual budget and operating plan;
  • Managing Winnemucca Chapter investments approved by the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee; and coordinating with the GSN Treasurer on budgets, audits, and financial planning

Article IV. Amendments to the Winnemucca Chapter By-Laws

Section 1. Any amendments to the Winnemucca Chapter By-Laws shall be developed by the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officers shall then vote on the amendments to the Winnemucca Chapter By-Laws to send them to the GSN Board of Directors for approval. Prior to sending the proposed amendments to the Board of Directors, the GSN Winnemucca Chapter membership shall be notified of the proposed amendments through an announcement in the GSN Newsletter and by electronic mail.

Article V. Financial Management

Section 1. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee shall manage the daily affairs of the GSN Winnemucca Chapter in a fiscally responsible manner.

Section 2. It shall be the intent of the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee to follow, as closely as practicable, an annual budget where expenditures do not exceed operating income. The budget will be prepared annually by the Treasurer in consultation with the President and Vice-President, and reviewed and approved by the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee, prior to review and by the GSN Board of Directors.

Section 3. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee will deposit no less than 50 percent of the profits from any large special event, such as a symposium, field trip or significant contribution, into an investment fund, unless otherwise directed by the GSN Board of Directors.

Section 4. The Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee may, on no less than an annual basis, convert no more than 50 percent of the earnings from the investment fund to operating income.

Section 5. The principal balance of the investment fund may be used for any purpose deemed necessary by the Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee, consistent with the requirements of Section 6 of this Article.

Section 6. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter President and GSN Winnemucca Chapter Treasurer, in cooperation with the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee, shall prepare, on or before the April GSN Executive Committee meeting an annual operating plan and budget for the GSN Winnemucca Chapter. The GSN Executive Committee shall review, modify as necessary, and approve the operating plan and budget. The GSN President and GSN Treasurer shall then deliver the approved operating plan and budget to the GSN Board of Directors for their review and approval.

Section 7. The Winnemucca Chapter Treasurer shall, at a time specified by the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee, make an annual report to the membership which will include: a summary of the income, expenditures and asset balances for the previous year; and the approved budget for the upcoming year.

Article VI. Removal of a GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officer

Section 1. Should the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee determine through a simple majority vote that one of the Winnemucca Chapter Officers is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of their position or is engaged in actions that are inappropriate with the objectives of the GSN, then the GSN Winnemucca Chapter President, or the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Vice President if the GSN Winnemucca Chapter President is the individual under consideration, shall initiate the process of removal of that GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officer.

Section 2. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter President or the Winnemucca Chapter Vice President if the President is the individual under consideration, and other members of the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee shall meet with a quorum of the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee at their next meeting to review the facts and findings. Based on the facts and findings presented, the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee shall determine if they have any objections to proceeding with the removal action. The determination shall be through a simple majority vote. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officer under consideration is not eligible to vote in this determination. The decision of the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee is effective immediately.

Article VIII. Winnemucca Chapter Officer Vacancies

Section 1. Should one or more vacancies occur in the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officers that is scheduled for election and the GSN Board of Directors has approved the slate of candidates to be voted upon by the GSN Winnemucca Chapter membership to fill those positions, then those positions shall remain vacant until filled by the results of the scheduled election.

Section 2. Should a vacancy occur that is not subject to Section 1 of this Article, then the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Executive Committee shall, at their next regularly scheduled monthly meeting consider candidates for the position and nominate a qualified individual to fill the position for the remainder of the term. The nomination shall be through a simple majority vote of a quorum of the GSN Winnemucca Chapter Officers.

Article IX. Address

Section 1. The GSN Winnemucca Chapter shall maintain a mailing/business address at P.O. Box 1157, Winnemucca NV 89446.