Showing 1–16 of 97 results
1990 Geology & Ore Deposits of the Great Basin Symposium Proceedings, 2 vol. hardbound set.
$10.00 Add to cart -
A summary of the volcanic stratigraphy and the geochronology of magmatism and hydrothermal activity in the Yanacocha Gold District, northern Peru
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Airborne EM in Exploring for Epithermal Gold Deposits: Three Examples from the Great Basin and Western Cordillera
$10.00 Add to cart -
Alteration and Epithermal Mineralization in the Steeple Rock District, Grant County, New Mexico and Greenlee County, Arizona
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Alteration, geochemistry, and paragensis of the Midas epithermal gold-silver deposit, Elko County, Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Are modern geothermal waters in northwest Nevada forming epithermal gold deposits?
$10.00 Add to cart -
Bulk Mineable Precious Metal Deposits of the Western United States Symposium Proceedings
$15.00 Select options -
Cenozoic Magmatism and Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposits of the Southern Ancestral Cascade Arc, Western Nevada and Eastern California
$10.00 Add to cart -
Cenozoic magmatism and mineralization in the Sierras Pampeanas of San Luis, Argentina
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Colloidal and physical transport textures exhibited by electrum and naumannite in bonanza epithermal veins from western United States, and their significance
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Comparison Between the Lennard Shelf MVT Province of Western Australia and the Carlin Trend of Nevada: Implications for Genesis and Exploration
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Comstock District
$10.00 – $15.00 Select options -
Comstock Lode/ Steamboat Springs Precious Metals Deposits, Nevada
$15.00 Add to cart -
Deep weathering around gold deposits of the Carlin Gold Province
$10.00 Add to cart -
Discovery and characterization of the Martabe epithermal gold deposit, North Sumatra, Indonesia
$10.00 Add to cart -
Discovery of Gold Mineralization beneath a Barren Opaline Silica Cap at Painted Hills, Northwestern Nevada, and the Association of Gold with Molybdenum in Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Systems
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