Symposium Proceedings
Showing 161–176 of 314 results
Magmatism and mineralization in the Oregon Plateau and northern Great Basin: Mid-Miocene volcanism and associated bonanza ore deposits and their relations to the inception of the Yellowstone hotspot
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Mapping weathering and alteration minerals in Comstock and Geiger Grade areas using visible to thermal infrared airborne remote sensing data
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McCoy-Cove Property, Lander County, Nevada—Exploration Update of a Consolidated District
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mercury geochemical, groundwater geochemical, and radiometric geophysical signatures at three geothermal prospects in northern Nevada
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Metal and Mineral Zoning at the Greater Midas Au-Cu-Ag Skarn Deposit (Battle Mountain District), Lander County, Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Middle (174–164 Ma) through Late (164–145 Ma) Jurassic Deformational, Magmatic, and Stratigraphic Events in Nevada: Inferred Relations to Far-Field Plate Movements and Mantle Flow
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mineral Exploration and the Digital Terrain Revolution
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mineral Paragenesis and Depositional Model of the Hilltop Gold Deposit, Lander County, Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mineralization Indicators of Boiling in Two Modern Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Environments: the Broadlands-Ohaaki and the Waiotapu Geothermal Systems, New Zealand
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mineralogy and mineralization at the New Sleeper Gold project, Awakening Mining District, Slumbering Hills, Humboldt County, Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Miocene gold mineralization and exhumation of the southern Shoshone Range, north-central Nevada
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Modeled Versus Observed Filling Rates of the Historical Getchell Pit Lakes, Nevada
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Monte Cristo Project, Esmeralda County, Nevada: A District with Characteristics of both High- and Low-Sulfidation Systems
$10.00 Add to cart -
Monte Ollasteddu: Discovery history, geology and mineralisation
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Multi-element geochemistry across a Carlin-type gold district: Jerritt Canyon, Nevada
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Multiple syngenetic metalliferous horizons enriched in V, As, Mo, Se, Ni, Ag, Zn and Au in the Northern Carlin Trend: Implications for the genesis of world class gold-arsenic deposits
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