Tip Top vein system, Esmeralda County, Nevada


The Tip Top prospect is located in the White Mountains in western Esmeralda
County, Nevada, approximately 8 km south of Montgomery Pass. Tip Top is a volcanichosted,
low-sulfidation gold-silver vein system within the Walker Lane structural
province of western Nevada. High-grade gold mineralization occurs in steeply dipping,
northeast-trending quartz-adularia veins in a NE-trending structural zone that
has been defined over a strike length in excess of 3800 m.
The Tip Top vein system has been explored by prospectors and small mining
companies for over 125 years and has been the object of modern exploration for
almost 25 years. Two ore zones were defined and exploited in the early 1900’s. The
mining occurred in areas where erosion had exposed the very top of precious metal
horizons. Modern exploration over the last 25 years has resulted in mineral inventory
calculations of as much as 40,000 ounces of relatively shallow gold mineralization.
Gold Summit acquired the project in 2002 for potential to yield high-grade gold
veins that might be exploited by underground mining. Gold Summit conducted core
and reverse circulation drilling in 2003–2004 and is continuing its evaluation in 2005.

SKU: 2005-33 Category:

Additional information


Primary Author

Douglas Bowden







Deposit Type

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