Showing 145–160 of 304 results
La Quinua Deposit, Perú
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Late Cenozoic strain field and tectonic setting of the northwestern Great Basin, western United States: Implications for geothermal activity and mineralization
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Late Cretaceous Orogenic Au-Ag Vein Deposits of Western and North-Central Nevada: Consequences of Sevier Flat-Slab Subduction, and Links with Other Cordilleran Orogenic Deposits
$10.00 Add to cart -
Late Devonian to Mississippian arkosic rock derived from a granitic terrane in northwestern Nevada adds a new dimension to the Antler orogeny
$10.00 Add to cart -
Lithogeochemistry of the Devonian Popovich Formation in the Northern Carlin Trend, Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Lithological and Structural Ore Controls within the Upper Zone of Barrick’s Rodeo Deposit, Eureka County, Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Magma-Metal Series Classification of Mineralization in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Magmatism and mineralization in the Oregon Plateau and northern Great Basin: Mid-Miocene volcanism and associated bonanza ore deposits and their relations to the inception of the Yellowstone hotspot
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mapping weathering and alteration minerals in Comstock and Geiger Grade areas using visible to thermal infrared airborne remote sensing data
$10.00 Add to cart -
McCoy-Cove Property, Lander County, Nevada—Exploration Update of a Consolidated District
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mercury geochemical, groundwater geochemical, and radiometric geophysical signatures at three geothermal prospects in northern Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Metal and Mineral Zoning at the Greater Midas Au-Cu-Ag Skarn Deposit (Battle Mountain District), Lander County, Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mineral Exploration and the Digital Terrain Revolution
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mineral Paragenesis and Depositional Model of the Hilltop Gold Deposit, Lander County, Nevada
$10.00 Add to cart -
Mineralization Indicators of Boiling in Two Modern Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Environments: the Broadlands-Ohaaki and the Waiotapu Geothermal Systems, New Zealand
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Mineralogy and mineralization at the New Sleeper Gold project, Awakening Mining District, Slumbering Hills, Humboldt County, Nevada
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